Enjoy performances by professional musicians and music lovers
Relax with good wine and delicious bites
A “Jam” is a term used when musicians come together for an unrehearsed session of music. Sometimes it’s a chance to test out new music, but mostly it’s just pure musical fun.
Reminder: Musicians who want to participate in our Jam session can enter for free, food and drinks are purchased separately. Please contact us to sign up
THE STUDIO JAM One Year Anniversary 一週年慶典
在2022年9月一個安靜的禮拜一晚上,THE STUDIO嘗試辦了第一場樂手即興聚會。這個小小的實驗開始模糊了觀眾與樂手之間的界線,逐漸的混合了視覺、聽覺、味覺之間的探索,更在期望與驚喜之間找到了許多舒適的空間。一轉眼,這個活動也已經一歲了,累積了許多的器材、照片、經驗與回憶。
9月10日這個星期天下午,我們的jam年華將邀請些老朋友的新組合來為THE STUDIO帶來一整天的藝術饗宴!在此誠摯邀請各位來與我們一同模糊音樂與藝術的各種界線!不jam不散!
On a quiet Monday night in September of 2022, THE STUDIO held a small, invite-only jam. This quiet experiment slowly grew as it blurred the boundaries between viewer and creator, auditory and visual, expectation and surprise. And with the twist of a head, this event is now a year old, with a bigger arsenal of experience, memories, and equipment.
Come join us at our jammiversary on September 10th, where we will be inviting old friends to try new things at an all-day celebration on a Sunday afternoon. THE STUDIO asks you to come help us further blur all boundaries of music and art. Be there or be square!
活動時間 Event Time: 2pm ~ 8pm
• 即興音樂 Improv Jam • 客串樂團 Guest Performances • 現場畫家 Live Painting • 雞尾酒特調 Cocktail Specials • 當日藝術品打折 One-Day Print Sales
特調 Cocktails: Old Fashioned (威士忌 Whiskey) 風味:水蜜桃、烏龍茶 -Peach, Oolong Tea
Jungle Bird (蘭姆酒 Rum) 風味:四紅果茶、玫瑰 -Red Fruits, Rose
Margarita (龍舌蘭 Tequila) 風味:柴魚、鳳梨 -Bonito, Pineapple
Gin Fizz (琴酒 Gin) 風味:桂花、梅子醋、通寧 -Osmanthus, Plum vinegar, Tonic
餐點 Food Menu:
義式烤蔬菜拼盤(2人份) 240NT Italian Roast Vegetables (For 2)
歐式起司拼盤 (3種起司 2人份)280NT Cheese Board (3 Cheeses, for 2)
歐式起司火腿Salami 拼盤 (2種起司1種火腿2種Salami)350NT Charcuterie Board (2 Cheeses, 1 ham, 2 salami)
香草雞胸肉沙拉 280NT Herb Chicken Salad
手工瑪格麗特Pizza 200NT Pizza Marguerite
美式炸物拼盤 (德式香腸、薯條、雞塊)300NT Fried Platter (Sausages, Fries, Nuggets)
牛肉起司漢堡+薯條 360NT Cheeseburger & Fries
手撕豬肉Taco Bowl 350NT Carnitas Taco Bowl
煎豆腐蔬食Taco Bowl 280NT Seared Tofu Taco Bowl