藝術是一種享受,一切享受中最迷人的享受。 Art is a kind of enjoyment, the most fascinating enjoyment of all enjoyments.
❚ Artist Open House 藝術家之夜-中秋BBQ特別場 ❚
因應中秋佳節,我們特別為您準備了9月《Artist Open House 藝術家之夜》BBQ特別場,邀請兩位藝術家來分享自身的藝術創作歷程。搭配著主廚精心準備的美食與台灣啤酒,以及中秋限定的BBQ料理。這將是一個充滿熱情和創意的夜晚,讓您與藝術家們共度中秋。
Join our September "Artist Open House" celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival! Enjoy a BBQ feast and insights from two talented artists. Immerse in art, savor chef-prepared cuisine, and savor Taiwanese beer with Mid-Autumn BBQ dishes. Don't miss this night of passion and creativity!
▩ 日期與時間 Event Timing ▩ September 28th, 2023 (Thu)|7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
▩ 活動地點 Event Venue ▩ THE STUDIO 台北市松山區八德路三段 144 號 3 樓 3F, No. 144, Sec. 3, Bade Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City
▩ 食物 Food ▩ 上滑圖片看中秋特別菜單 Scroll up to the picture for BBQ style MENU
▩ 飲料 Drink ▩ 台灣啤酒無限暢飲 Taiwanese beer is all you can drink.
不飲酒,提供無酒精飲料 (蘋果汁或汽水) 2 瓶 If you don't drink, we also serve non-alcoholic beverages (apple juice or soda) in two cans.
▩ 費用 Price ▩ 台幣 $800 元 We only ask for a $800 NTD donation to cover basic costs.
▩ 注意事項 Special Notice ▩
本活動需於 9 月 28 日前完成報名。 Last registration date is September 28th, 2023.
本活動取消恕不退費,名額可轉讓。 No refund for the cancellation. Registration can be transferred to other people.
有任何疑問,歡迎隨時聯繫: Instagram: @thestudiotw LINE:@thestudiotw E-mail:info@thestudio-invite.com