THE STUDIO invites you to join us in celebration of International Women’s Day, where we will be paying tribute to the queen of jazz: Ella Fitzgerald. Cocktail hour starts at 6:30pm with dinner following at 7:30pm. Book before March 3rd for a free print from our EDITIONS collection.
THE STUDIO誠摯的邀請各位加入我們一同度過國際婦女節, 而我們在今年度的節日決定要慶祝歷史上公認的爵士女王:艾拉·費茲傑拉。 夜晚即將在6:30開始邀請各位前來享用雞尾酒,而晚宴將會在7:30開始供餐。 3月3日之前先預購的客人即可收到EDITIONS目錄裡的免費版印畫一張。
▎Guest Mixologist 客座調酒師
Ariel from Bar Pine松
▎Live Jazz Band 現場爵士樂團
Vocals人聲: Vicky Sun 孫博萱 Keyboard 鋼琴: Uno Wu 烏野薰 (3/8) Grace Weng 翁家怡 (3/9) Bass 貝斯: Refa Wang 王群婷 Drums 鼓組: Xinyi Huang 黃欣怡
Come enjoy a unique evening surrounded by:
▎活動日期&時間 Event Timing
March 8th (三) 或 March 9th (四) 18:30 - 22:30
▎門票 Ticket Price:3600 NT+10%
Comes with hors d'oeuvres bar, main course of your choice, all you can drink special cocktails and wine, and spectacular live jazz!
▎All You Can Eat Hors d'oeuvres Bar and Sides 開胃菜與配菜自助吧
起司火腿拼盤 Charcuterie Board 華爾道夫沙拉 Waldorf Salad 蘆筍、薄荷、柑橘沙拉 Asparagus, Mint, and Citrus Salad 酸豆涼拌海鮮 Capers and Mixed Seafood 奶油馬鈴薯泥 Mashed Potato 香蒜炒蘑菇 Sautéed Mushroom with Garlic
▎Choice of Main Course (Included in the ticket price) 主菜菜單 (費用已包含在票價中)
美國肋眼牛排與烤大蒜 Ribeye Steak & Garlic 櫻桃鴨胸與莓果醬 Duck Breast and Berry Sauce 小鱗犬牙南極魚菲力與蛤蠣醬汁 Chilean Sea Bass Filet and Clam Sauce
▎All You Can Eat Dessert Bar 甜點自助吧
煙燻蘋果慕斯蛋糕 Smoked Apple Mousse Cake 紐約風起司蛋糕 New York Cheese Cake 莓果巧克力蛋糕&甘納許 Berry Chocolate Cake and Chocolate Ganache
▎無限暢飲 All You Can Drink Cocktail and Wine Bar
招牌白酒 House White Wine 招牌紅酒 House Red Wine 3 Cocktails TBD