藝術是一種享受,一切享受中最迷人的享受。 Art is a kind of enjoyment, the most fascinating enjoyment of all enjoyments.
❚ Artist Open House 藝術家之夜 ❚
邀請各領域的藝術家、創作者與喜愛藝術的朋友們,在每個月最後一個週四夜晚,一同參加 THE STUDIO 舉辦的《Artist Open House 藝術家之夜》。每場的聚會,會邀請兩位藝術家來分享自身的藝術創作歷程。搭配著主廚精心準備的美食與台灣啤酒,讓喜愛藝術與美食的每一位能彼此交流,激盪出更多元的創意火花。
We invite all artists and art appreciators to participate in this monthly friendly gathering. Each time, we invite two speakers to share about their creative journey. Included in the price is authentic home style dishes and Taiwanese beer or other non-alcohol beverages. Don’t miss out!
▩ 日期與時間 Event Timing ▩ April 27th, 2023 (Thu)|7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
▩ 活動地點 Event Venue ▩ THE STUDIO 台北市松山區八德路三段 144 號 3 樓 3F, No. 144, Sec. 3, Bade Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City
▩ 食物 Food ▩ 現場提供 THE STUDIO 精心準備的葷/素食 We will serve some authentic homestyle dishes
▩ 飲料 Drink ▩ 台灣啤酒無限暢飲 Taiwanese beer is all you can drink.
不飲酒,提供無酒精飲料 (蘋果汁或汽水) 2 瓶 If you don't drink, we also serve non-alcoholic beverages (apple juice or soda) in two cans.
▩ 費用 Price ▩ 台幣 $500 元 We only ask for a $500 NTD donation to cover basic costs.
▩ 注意事項 Special Notice ▩
本活動需於 4 月 26 日前完成報名。 Last registration date is April 26th, 2023.
本活動取消恕不退費,名額可轉讓。 No refund for the cancellation. Registration can be transferred to other people.
有任何疑問,歡迎隨時聯繫: Alice Chiu 0920-032-547 LINE:@thestudiotw E-mail:info@thestudio-invite.com