THE STUDIO 2023 年度 NFT 展覽 《Metaphors called Art》開幕 DJ 派對 😎
這次榮幸邀請到品味與知識兼具、放歌有如生猛海鮮,個性卻是溫良恭謙的新生代音樂神童 DJ_ Sandy 來到現場,透過 Sandy 獨特卻充滿穿透性音樂,來為這次展覽揭開幕曲!
❚ Live DJ Music ❚
DJ Artist: Sandy
穿梭在台北各個酒吧與咖啡廳,Sandy 開啟了 DJ 這條音符路。 他是表演者,同時也是位製作人。Sandy 的音樂結合震撼人心的電子曲風,以及飄渺夢幻的環境音樂,透過兩種不同音樂風格的衝突感,引導人們進入不同以往且極具獨特 Sandy 式風格的音樂世界。
Sandy got his start Djing in Taipei, playing at bars and cafes like 23 Music Room, Double Check, Zabu, and 春未來. As a producer, he makes both heavy-hitting electronic music and dreamlike ambient, aiming to disrupt people's normal states of consciousness in either direction.
❚ Opening DJ Night ❚
❐ Time:2023/4/22 (Sat) 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM ❐ Ticket:NTD $800 門票包含一杯酒精特調與一份小漢堡及薯條。 The entrance ticket comes with 1 alcoholic drink, burger and fries.
❚ 漢堡菜單 Burger Menu ❚ 4 種口味選項,現場亦提供加點服務。 4 Burger flavors and it's available to make the order on-site.
有任何疑問,歡迎隨時聯繫: Alice Chiu 0920-032-547 LINE:@thestudiotw