THE STUDIO是融合美食與藝術的私廚空間,我們在每次的展覽中舉辦藝文活動及藝術餐會,嘗試將藝術家展覽中的元素結合美食、互動環節,給予賓客們視覺與味覺的沈浸式體驗。
THE STUDIO is a private kitchen space that combines food and art. We hold art and cultural activities and art dinners in each exhibition, combing the elements of the artist's exhibition with food and interactive sessions to give guests an immersive visual and taste experience
2022.12.3 – 2023.1.14,THE STUDIO邀請到了藝術家蔡貝桾 Patty Tsai在我們的空間展出她的瓷器作品與水彩插畫。Patty常透過獵豹、蠍子、蛇等元素,營造危險迷人又時尚可愛的敘事風格。
為了結合這次展覽中的瓷盤作品與Patty時尚精緻的插畫風格,我們將舉辦 { 與豹午茶・Patty Tsai似顏繪・瓷盤體驗 }
體驗會中將可以實際用展覽中的精緻瓷盤與瓷杯愜意地享用甜點與午茶,同時藝術家Patty Tsai 將會幫你畫一幅似顏繪速寫,除此之外,購買瓷盤、瓷杯還會有下列優惠! 馬上豹名!
🐆體驗會優惠:參與體驗會者,若購買瓷盤或瓷杯,將可以透過門票折抵 100 元🐆
▎日期: 2023.01.07(六) (已額滿)、2023.01.14(六) ▎時間: 12:30 進場,13:00 開始至 16:00 ▎票價:990元+10% ▎票券包含甜點、茶與似顏繪體驗
2022.12.3 – 2023.1.14, THE STUDIO invited the artist Patty Tsai to exhibit her porcelain works and watercolor illustrations in our space. Patty often uses elements such as cheetahs, scorpions, and snakes to create a dangerous, charming, fashionable and cute narrative style.
To echo the porcelain plate works in this exhibition and Patty's fashionable and exquisite illustration style, we will hold an event titled: { Afternoon Tea with Patty’s Cheetahs・Caricature & Porcelain plate experience}
In this event, you can indeed use the exquisite porcelain plates and cups in the exhibition to enjoy desserts and afternoon tea comfortably.
At the same time, the artist Patty Tsai will draw a caricature for you to take home. In addition, you can buy porcelain plates and cups with the following discounts! Sign Up Now to enjoy an afternoon tea with Patty’s cheetahs!
🐆Event Special Discount: If you participate in the event, you can buy a porcelain plate or cup with the discount of 100 NTD🐆
▎Date Date: 2023.01.07 (Sat) (Already Full), 2023.01.14 (Sat) ▎Time: 12:30 entry, 13:00 to 16:00 ▎Price ticket price: 990 NTD + 10% ▎Ticket includes Food, Drinks & Caricature Experience