Enjoy performances by professional musicians and music lovers
Relax with good wine and delicious bites
A “Jam” is a term used when musicians come together for an unrehearsed session of music. Sometimes it’s a chance to test out new music, but mostly it’s just pure musical fun.
Reminder: Musicians who want to participate in our Jam session can enter for free, food and drinks are purchased separately. Please contact us to sign up
謝謝上個月來參加我們一週年JAM年華的各位朋友們!我們Jam媽把THE STUDIO的三樓完全變成了Tiny Desk的音樂祭場地,也順利安排了1位畫家根40多位樂手帶來6個不同的表演及一整天的藝術及音樂饗宴!
Thank you to all who joined us for our One Year Jammiversary! Jam mom successfully transformed the third floor into a Tiny Desk music festival comprising of 1 painter, 40+ musicians, 6 acts, and a whole day of art, music, and laughter.
If you haven’t had enough, come join us on October 16th for our next Jam Night and bring friends! Musicians who want to get onstage reach out to Jam Mom @vyxun by Friday October 13!
|| 日期 Date: 10/16 Mon (一) || 時間 Time: Doors open 6pm 開放入場 || 費用 Entry: $600 (incl. 1 drink 附一杯飲料)